Using Ashtanga Yoga & Vedic Wisdom To Deepen Your Yogic Path

Ashtanga Yoga in Grass Valley, CA

Using Ashtanga Yoga & Vedic Wisdom To Deepen Your Yogic Path

Ashtanga Yoga in Grass Valley, CA

How Ashtanga Yoga Works

Ashtanga Yoga is a powerful moving meditation that focuses on purifying the body and mind through consistent and dedicated practice. 

The Mysore Method is a self paced sadhana done in a safe and supportive group setting. Committed & repeated practice offers a glimpse into the essence of who we Truly are.

Using Vedic Wisdom To Light Your Yogic Path

A strong foundation of yogic understanding comes through the study of yoga’s source texts. Through dedicated learning we gain a more embodied understanding of these mystical teachings and learn how to apply them to our day-to-day lives in a practical way. The magic of yoga is found in these texts.

Organizing Asana Immersion

The 3 day immersions offer a deep dive into your personal practice and support you to have a more embodied understanding of yoga.

Spending dedicated time on sadhana helps to highlight how these mystical teachings extend far beyond the physical practice and imbue our lives with clarity and wisdom

Our Shala

16434 Indian Springs Ranch Rd
Grass Valley, CA 95949

Atha is a Sanskrit word meaning now. Atha is an auspicious prayer, an invitation, to meet the moment with sacred presence and to begin again.  At the shala we begin  each day with this attitude of devotion. The shala is a quiet and sacred space, attracting dedicated students who seek  authentic practice  and  community. The natural environment offers a sweet respite to nurture sadhana. Whether you are coming for daily practice, staying over for an immersion or planning your own personal retreat, a visit  to Atha Yoga will give you a glimpse into the yogic lifestyle.

About Atha Yoga

We are a yoga school dedicated to the embodied understanding of the timeless and mystical teachings of Yoga. The heart of the shala is our Sangha, our community, and we are committed to creating a safe and sacred space that supports authentic practice.

Everybody is welcome.

Upcoming Workshops

Yoga Nidra Benefit Class Join our Annual Benefit Class, a special one-hour Yoga Nidra Meditation session. Join me for a sweet journey inward toward the Self as we support this incredible organization. Every penny raised supports Yoga Gives Back. Chai and treats served


Sunday June 30th @ 10:00AM

Deepen your practice in this immersive yoga experience. Come and spend 3 days practicing, meditating, breathing, chanting, and exploring ways to live a more aware and embodied life.


  • June 7th -9th
  • October 4th-6th
Get the most out of your experience and camp out on Atha Yoga's property for a glimpse into the yogic lifestyle.


  • June 7th-9th
  • October 4th-6th
  • Choose your own Dates

The MySORE Medicine Program

Ashtanga Yoga offers an ideal foundation to grow your personal yoga practice. Beginners and advanced students all practice together, creating a strong and welcoming community of support


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday
7am - 9am Pranayama Tuesdays 6:30am

Devorah is a compassionate, knowledgeable teacher that embodies the practice.  I always leave feeling inspired.

Carrie S | Student

Atha Yoga is a hidden gem! The studio is on Devorah’s property and it was built with so much love and thoughtful care. She is a compassionate and extremely capable and genuine ashtanga yoga teacher. 

Nika C | Student

Atha yoga is a beautiful space. It feels sacred. Devorah is the best Ashtanga teacher I have ever had.

Sarah S | Student

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